How to Propagate Your Plants

Propagate your favorite plants in no time!

Spring is in the air, and that means it’s time to get our green thumbs back into action! One of the best ways to add some new plants to your collection and maybe make a little side money is by propagating them. But what exactly is propagation, and how do you do it? Keep reading to find out how to propagate your own!

propagation - how to propagate

What is Propagation?

Propagation is simply the process of creating new plants from existing ones. There are a few different methods of propagation, but the most common are division, rooting stem cuttings, and taking leaf cuttings. We’ll go over all three of these methods so that you can decide which one is right for you.

how to propagate - plants roots

How to propagate your plants n1


Division is often used for plants that have already become too large for their pot or have outgrown their location. To divide a plant, simply remove it from its pot and gently separate the roots into two or more sections. Each section should have a decent amount of roots attached. Replant each section in its own pot filled with fresh potting soil, and water well. Voila—you’ve just doubled (or tripled) your plant collection!

how to propagate - divide roots

How to propagate your plants n2

Rooting Stem Cuttings

Rooting stem cuttings is probably the easiest method of propagation, and it can be done with just about any type of plant. Start by taking a 4-6 inch cutting from an existing plant—it’s best to use a sharp knife or pruning shears for this. Remove any leaves from the bottom half of the cutting, dip the end into rooting hormone, and then plant it in moist potting soil. Place the pot in a warm, sunny spot and keep the soil moist. In 4-6 weeks, you should see new growth appearing on your cutting, at which point you can transplant it into its own pot.

how to propagate - from cutting

How to propagate your plants n3

Taking Leaf Cuttings

This method is best suited for plants with thick, fleshy leaves, such as African violets or sedums. Start by taking a leaf cutting from an existing plant—again, sharp shears or a knife will work best here. Remove the bottom 2-3 inches of the leaf cutting and dip it into rooting hormone. Plant it in moist potting soil and place the pot in a warm, sunny spot until new growth appears, at which point you can transplant it into its own pot.

from leaf

Whether you’re looking to add some new plants to your collection or just want to save some money by propagating your existing ones, we hope this guide has given you everything you need to get started! Just remember to use sharp tools when taking your cuttings, keep an eye on watering (but don’t overwater), and give your new plants plenty of sunlight as they grow. With a little patience and TLC, you’ll be a pro at propagation in no time!

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