How to Find Rare Plants on Etsy

If you’re a rare plant enthusiast, then you know that the best place to find rare and unusual plants is on Etsy. With millions of sellers and millions of products, there’s no shortage of plants to choose from on Etsy. But with so many options, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why I’ve put together this guide on how to find rare plants on Etsy. In this guide, I’ll share my top tips for finding rare plants, as well as some things to watch out for when trying to find rare plants on Etsy.

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Use keyword-rich search terms.

To make sure your plant investment goes as smoothly as possible, let’s make sure to use keyword-rich search terms when we are searching for plants on Etsy. This will help you narrow down your results and find the best plants for your needs. For example, instead of just searching for “plants,” try using more specific terms like “rare succulents” or “unusual cacti.” If you’re not sure what keywords to use and you want to get technical, try using a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner or

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Check the seller’s feedback score

Before you purchase anything on Etsy, be sure to check the seller’s feedback score. This will give you an idea of the quality of the seller’s products and customer service. Look for sellers with high feedback scores (90% or above) and low return rates (5% or below). This will guarantee that you get a great specimen that can grow beautifully and maybe one day make you a little money.

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Read the item descriptions carefully

When you’re looking at plant listings on Etsy, be sure to read the item descriptions carefully. This is where the seller will provide important information about the plant, such as its size, care requirements, and shipping details. Rember this isn’t amazon: Pay close attention to the shipping details; some sellers charge exorbitant shipping fees, which can negate any savings you might get from buying a plant on Etsy rather than from a brick-and-mortar nursery.

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Ask questions before you buy.

If you have any questions about a plant listing, don’t hesitate to contact the seller before you make a purchase. Most sellers are happy to answer questions about their listings. And if they’re not, that’s usually a red flag that you should look elsewhere for your rare plant needs.

To sum it all up

Etsy is a great place to find rare and unusual plants at unbeatable prices. By following these tips, you’ll be sure to find the perfect plant for your collection – without spending a fortune!

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